SCIENCE: Much of my work in the scientific arena has been conducted as a sub-contractor to the major multimedia houses – such as the European Service Network (ESN), Mostra and Intrasoft International – which produce material for the European Commission’s many publications and websites.
The marketplace for science is vast, growing fast and extremely complex. It now cuts across all borders, between countries, industries and scientific disciplines. It also involves the skills of corporate R&D managers, academic researchers, technology transfer officers, IP specialists, venture capitalists and policy makers. For success – what counts is what you know, and whom you know.
EXPERTISE – servicing the communications needs of EU research via its various Framework Programmes (FPs): Having started with FP5, my knowledge of EU research and the funding mechanisms that support it is extensive. I understand the EU’s drive for continuity with FP7, particularly as it looks to develop a more vibrant European Research Area (ERA). Have also worked on many individual projects, such as the Commission’s Brochure Grand Public.
Thanks to my work on SME TechWeb and SME Update, among others, I have also become an expert in the role Small-to-Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are beginning to play as we grow a European Research Area that is able to compete very effectively on a worldwide stage: With simplified access to grants and the increasing availability of finance, there has never been a better time for SMEs to get involved with DG Research programmes.
Lots of publications and projects to choose from:
European Commission’s Research Directorate-General: Contributed extensively to the many Framework (research) Programmes, or FPs.
FP7 (2007-2013)
Brochure Grand Public: Researched and compiled the Commission’s prestigious 48-page annual report for the general public – Science at the Service of Europe – showing where the EU’s research money is actually spent and the benefits its supported research delivers.
SME Update: Online newsletter published quarterly by the European Commission’s Research Directorate-General. Brought in to create and edit a new-look newsletter, translating policy into editorial: covers all areas of European research for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It replaces the printed version previously issued under the EU’s Sixth Framework (research) Programme (FP6).
FP6 (2002-2006)
Industrial Technologies (ITW): Researched and wrote project case studies for the NMP website, covering nanotechnologies and nanosciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials, and new production processes and devices.
Innovation Relay Centres (IRCs): Researched and wrote success stories covering the work of this pan-European network of specialist agencies in the various Member States.
TechWeb: Researched and contributed a wide range of stories to the web site that provides information and resources for SMEs wishing to innovate and participate in EU Framework research Programmes.
NEST-Pathfinder: Researched and wrote project reviews for the extensive New and Emerging Science and Technology series of online brochures. This unique, multidisciplinary project brought together scientists in anthropology, neuroscience, linguistics, biology, genetics and psychology to provide me with the answer to one key question: What features make human cognitive abilities unique, and where do these ‘features’ come from?
FP5 (1998-2002)
MEDEA +: Researched and wrote project case studies for the website of EUREKA’s pan-European microelectronics programme. This was leading edge R&D into so-called ‘enabling technologies’ designed to boost Europe’s technological and industrial competitiveness worldwide. In fact, more than that – to make Europe the leader in system innovation on silicon.
- CRAFT (Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme): Researched and wrote success stories sh
owing the progress being made by SMEs in projects supported by CRAFT.
Euroabstracts: SME project research – reviews loosely reflected the themes of the EU’s Research Technology Development (RTD) framework programme: Innovation, information technology, energy and environment, production and transport, and life sciences.
IMPACT: Re-launched and edited the quarterly Information Technology and Computer Science magazine of the EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council). This is a fascinating area – where leading edge research meets the needs of industry. EPSRC funds university research and was keen to encourage ‘adventurous’ proposals that would make major advances in their chosen field.
Diamond News: Spent some time writing for and editing the quarterly newsletter of Diamond Light Source Limited. The Diamond synchrotron light source is the largest scientific facility to be built in the UK for nearly 30 years. Diamond will provide a clearer view of materials in their natural state to the benefit of medicine, science and engineering. Groundbreaking stuff! It was a pleasure to be associated with it.